How to wear an amethyst

Amethyst has been called the truth stone and the stone of sobriety, which has been used to ward off drunkenness. Amethyst enhances spiritual awareness and helps to open one’s psychic abilities, making it an excellent stone for healers and all spiritual workers. In the physical realm, amethyst supports the immune system, reduces inflammation, eases headaches, soothes stress and anxiety, protects against radiation and environmental pollutants, and balances blood sugar levels in diabetics. Wearing it in your ears Amethysts are typically worn as pendants, earrings, or in brooches. To avoid losing your favorite pair of earrings, use either plastic clips that hold tight or strong or magnetic earrings. Purple earrings will give elegant look to your white and matching outfits. Wearing it as a necklace When selecting a necklace, it is important that you pick one that matches your amethyst. You will want to select a necklace with a chain or string that matches in color a...